Below is a list of our talented team of current fighters! If you’re interested in sponsoring these rising stars, simply fill out the contact form for more details.

Aayesha Majiet

MMA Fighter
Aqeelah Salie

Boxer/ Kickboxer
Abdul Ghakeem Samuels

Samir Bhatti

Waseem Smith

MMA Fighter
Ismaeel Booley

MMA Fighter
Reuben Job

Ameen Shaik

MMA Fighter
Yusuf Salie

MMA Fighter
Zubair Parker
2023 All African ADCC Champion
Azru Joseph
2023 Metropol Kickboxing Champion
Mogamad Achmat
MMA Fighter Raqeeb Sonday
MMA Fighter Ameer Gamza

MMA Fighter Zaakir Parker

MMA Fighter Imaad Ebrahim
MMA Fighters Umso Nkonki & Hoosain Chisamya
Pro Kickboxer Emmanuel Mukenge
MMA Fighter Zaahir Abrahams
MMA Fighter Uzair Hoosain
Pro Boxer Douglas
Kickboxer Adli Peck
Terence Balelo. MMA fighter. Current SA Flyweight Champion 2020
Emmanuel Sita. MMA Fighter
Left-Davido Grace Ngoyi MMA Fighter
Kamenga-Mapumba -Boxer
Shiraaj van Harte – MMA fighter
Warren Kitching – Boxer
Toufeeq Khan – Boxer
Riaaz Mohamed – Boxer
Raqeeb Sonday-Boxer
Heinrich Jacobs – Boxer
Douglas Besela – MMA fighter
Amiena Koopman – Kickboxer

Zubeida Hendricks, age 18, female, style: Boxing, Kickboxing, Muay thai, 1 boxing fight, two Kickboxing fights, weight 55 kgs

Mishkah Slamang, age 22, female, style: Boxing, 1 fight, 60 kgs

Imraan Paleker, age 26, male, style: Boxing, 1 fight

Fabian Koeries, age 23, male, style: Kickboxing, Muay thai, 1 fight, 70 kgs

Junaid Fredericks, age 19, male, style: Boxing, Kickboxing, Muay thai, 9 kickboxing fights, 2 boxing fights, titles, 3rd place in SA Kickboxing Champs, weight 66kgs

Robin Felton, age 26, male, style: Mma, 1 fight, weight 66kgs

Hoosain Chisamya, age 17, male, styles: Boxing, Kickboxing, Muay thai, Mma, record: 1 Boxing, 2 Kickboxing fights, weight 68 kgs

Ridha Geyer, age 17, male, styles: Boxing, Kickboxing, Muay thai, record, 1 boxing fight.

Kristin Klarke, age 20, female, styles: Muay thai, K1, weight 66kgs

John Engelbrecht, age, 19, male, styles: Mma, K1, Muay thai, 4 Kickboxing fights, 1 Muay thai fight,
Title, 2017 Western Cape junior Kickboxing Champion, weight 57kgs

Rhiyaad Mohamad, 30, male, styles: Boxing, Kickboxing, 2 fights, weight 70kgs